import { errorResponse, checkStatus, params } from '../Utils';

 * Contains all Requests connected with subscriptions
 * @class Subscription
class Subscription {
    constructor(config, Account) {
        this.config = config;
        this.Account = Account;
   * Gets all subscriptions for a given user
   * @method getSubscriptions
   * @async
   * @param {number} page - The current page
   * @param {number} limit - The number of items per page
   * @example
   *     InPlayer.Subscription
   *     .getSubscriptions()
   *     .then(data => console.log(data));
   * @return {Object}
    async getSubscriptions(page = 0, limit = 15, status = '') {
        if (!this.Account.isAuthenticated()) {
            errorResponse(401, {
                code: 401,
                message: 'User is not authenticated'

        const response = await fetch(
            this.config.API.getSubscriptions(limit, page, status),
                headers: {
                    Authorization: `Bearer ${this.Account.getToken().token}`


        return await response.json();

   * Get subscription details for a given user by id
   * @method getSubscription
   * @async
   * @param {string} id - The subscription id
   * @example
   *     InPlayer.Subscription
   *     .getSubscription('abcdef')
   *     .then(data => console.log(data));
   * @return {Object}
    async getSubscription(id) {
        if (!this.Account.isAuthenticated()) {
            errorResponse(401, {
                code: 401,
                message: 'User is not authenticated'

        const response = await fetch(this.config.API.getSubscription(id), {
            headers: {
                Authorization: `Bearer ${this.Account.getToken().token}`


        return await response.json();

   * Cancels a subscription
   * @method cancelSubscription
   * @async
   * @param {string} unsubscribeUrl - The url for the subscription which is getting unsubscribed
   * @example
   *     InPlayer.Subscription
   *     .cancelSubscription('abcdef')
   *     .then(data => console.log(data));
   * @return {Object}
    async cancelSubscription(unsubscribeUrl) {
        if (!this.Account.isAuthenticated()) {
            errorResponse(401, {
                code: 401,
                message: 'User is not authenticated'

        const response = await fetch(
                headers: {
                    Authorization: `Bearer ${this.Account.getToken().token}`


        return await response.json();

   * Subscribes to a given asset. Use this method ONLY if the accessFee.type === 'subscription'.
   * Otherwise please use InPlayer.Payment.payForAsset()
   * @method create
   * @async
   * @param {Object} data - {
   *  number: number,
   *  cardName: string,
   *  expMonth: number,
   *  expYear: number,
   *  cvv: number,
   *  accessFee: number,
   *  paymentMethod: string,
   *  referrer: string,
   *  voucherCode?: string,
   *  brandingId?: number,
   *  returnUrl?: string
   * }
   * @example
   *     InPlayer.Subscription
   *     .create({
   *          number: 1,
   *          cardName: 'Payoneer',
   *          expMonth: 11,
   *          expYear: 12,
   *          cvv: 546,
   *          accessFee: 13.4,
   *          paymentMethod: 'card',
   *          referrer: 'http://localhost:3000',
   *          voucherCode: '123123125914i2erjfg',
   *          brandingId?: 1234,
   *          returnUrl?: '',
   *        }
   *     )
   *     .then(data => console.log(data));
   * @return {Object}
    async create(data) {
        if (!this.Account.isAuthenticated()) {
            errorResponse(401, {
                code: 401,
                message: 'User is not authenticated'

        let body = {
            number: data.number,
            card_name: data.cardName,
            exp_month: data.expMonth,
            exp_year: data.expYear,
            cvv: data.cvv,
            access_fee: data.accessFee,
            payment_method: data.paymentMethod,
            referrer: data.referrer,
            branding_id: data.brandingId,
            return_url: data.returnUrl,

        if (data.voucherCode) {
            body.voucher_code = data.voucherCode;

        const response = await fetch(this.config.API.subscribe, {
            method: 'POST',
            headers: {
                Authorization: `Bearer ${this.Account.getToken().token}`,
                'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
            body: params(body)


        return await response.json();

export default Subscription;